Why builders still use a plumb line

Why builders still use a plumb line

Paradoxically, even the owners of laser -type levels in some cases do not disdain the use of more familiar options – a plumb line that is used when checking the wall device. After all, to fasten the plumb line on the surface of the wall is quite simple, and the thickness of the layer can actually be removed to zero. Certain experts do not even carry out fastening on the wall, but simply look with an eye directly along the plane, holding the tool directly near the device of the wall itself. Nevertheless, certain experts pay attention to the fact that for the implementation of greater accuracy it is strongly recommended to hang this plumb line directly on a nail, after which it must calm down, after which it is possible to measure the distance directly to the wall itself. At the same time, situations arise quite often when such a plumb line cannot calmly calm down for a long period of time, since it is under the influence of draft. In such cases, it is strongly recommended to fix a slightly more heavier load on a thin thread. With minor fluctuations, you can fight by conventional lowering the cargo into a container of water. This will help to significantly level off a slight effect on the air. As practice shows, if it comes to relatively large gusts of wind, then it will be simply impossible to take measurements normally.