What is the modern construction market

What is the modern construction market

The modern construction market can represent a wide selection of materials for soundproofing. As a soundproofing material, you can use mineral and glass wool, various fillers, foam, bulk materials of different types. It should be noted that materials can be either natural and artificial origin.

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The main requirement for sound insulation is the possibility of absorption or reflection of sound. Thus, there are two groups: the first material that reflects the sound (brick, concrete, stone and other materials solid), and the second group – material that absorbs sound (fiberglass, mineral wool and others).

The main property of the first group of materials is a reflection of sound, and not absorption like that of the second group.

Regarding the materials that absorb sound waves, then they miss the sound, but do not allow its distribution. According to stiffness, they are divided into subspecies:

– solid (the composition that includes the granules of perlite);

– soft (at the base – fiberglass and felt).

You can also note a soundproof material produced in rolls or slabs. They can be divided into:

– synthetic (polyurethane foam, polyvinyl chloride foam and rubber);

– Organic.

For better sound insulation of the room, apply combined sound insulation using different materials that differ in technical parameters.