How to remove fat spots from the surface: Masters’ advice

How to remove fat spots from the surface: Masters’ advice

Before starting any finish or repair actions, it is necessary to clean the surface and remove all possible types of pollution. For high -quality removal, it is worthwhile to find out how work goes to remove various pollution.

1. Fat spots. Several ways are used to delete pollution data. The first method is the use of a five percent solution of salts with a content of surfactants in a content of not more than one percent. The second option is the use of organic solvents. There are one example of such solvents – White – Spirit. The third way is the processing of emulsion compositions. Well, if we are talking about non -sucking oils, then it is worth applying fatty clay.2. Bitumen spots. Organic solvents are used to cleanse the surface from them. Or you can just scrape.3. Vysols. If it happened that in your way there is such a type of pollution, then for cleansing it is worth making a number of actions that look like this; It is treated with a six percent solution of hydrochloric acid, after which the place is washed with a solution of soda four percent. And the last step is washed off everything with water.4. If we are talking about spots of paint, then the usual mechanical approach is used here. To facilitate work before cleaning, they can be processed using various solvents.5. Dirt and dust is removed with simple washing.