We all know that glass is attributed to very fragile materials. This is easy to prove in practice. It suffers a rough approach in processing. For novice masters of glass business, make a hole in the glass may seem painful torture.
But we will simplify your life with several tips: first, harden the tip of the drill. The drill is heated to white and immediately lowered into wax. Not to get it until the wax does not begin to melt. With the help of a hardened drill, you can make only small holes; In order to make it easier to drill glass, during this process you need to constantly moisten the drill with water (abundantly); You can also first immerse the product from glass into water (if it is not large); To get a large hole, you must first drill a small hole (see. tips above), and then insert a nail into it. Then a strong thread. We tie its ends one to the nail, and the second to the glass cutter. The length of the thread must correspond to the radius of the desired hole. Then the glass cutter is carried out several times in a circle. And to conclude on the back of the workpiece, lightly tapped with a wooden object. At the same time, the glass is held in their hands. It will be easier to achieve the final result by plunging the glass into the water.
Glass drilling is a laborious process that requires practice. Therefore, our business to advise, and you, armed with advice, get down to business and train.