Before the preparation of the steam room project, its active purpose should be found. The minimum version of the Russian steam room predicts the presence of the greenhouse and the dressing room, but in most of her cases the most fundamental structures are built with a shower, a maid of rest, often a terrace, a pond and other amenities, in agreement with the preferences of the host.
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The most common variations of personal baths are Finnish and Russian paired saunas. The difference between them is contained in the temperature of air and humidity. For Russian warm, the temperature is used up to 75 degrees with humidity near 65%. The sauna warms up to 80-110 degrees with humidity just 25-30%.
During the construction of the Sauna, the Finnish with a fundamental question is a good ventilation adaptation. It is required to supply the influx of the desired number of cheerful air and the timely elimination of the spent two. As it was rid of, the hood is located closer to the ceiling, under the bench, but the air flow itself is made near the stove.
For the Russian steam room, the ventilation device is voluntarily, it is allowed to completely stand up with an ordinary window.