How to choose materials for decoration of the living room

How to choose materials for decoration of the living room

In every apartment or private house there is such a corner where family members, friends and just guests very often gather. This room is the living room, it should be cozy, spacious and beautiful. When starting repair, it is necessary to first evaluate the front of the work, that is, to examine all the nuances that need to be corrected. And also, to find the cleaning companies of Moscow that will put things in order and remove all construction garbage at the end of the repair. First of all, you should pay attention to the windows, if they are old, they can be replaced or restored. This also applies to doors and openings.

Before decorating walls, ceiling and floor, it is necessary to remove all the irregularities and cracks. For walls and ceiling, it is better to use starting and finish putty. The use of one or another depends on the state of the surfaces. Decorative material can be applied to the prepared surface. For the living room, the best decoration option can be considered Venetian decorative plaster, which has a beautiful texture resembling granite crumbs.

It is better to use laminate for flooring. This material is presented in a wide range, so there is something to choose from, it has a different color and repeats the structure of the tree. Therefore, such a coating will resemble a wooden parquet. Laminate laying is quite simple, so you can make the floor finish yourself.