In order to correctly regard the situation and not spend a lot of extra forces when starting the repair, it is worth determining its need. Repair can be capital and cosmetic, but which you need to determine what you can determine by the state in which the living room is located. In order to make it possible to determine it, you need to know under what conditions you can do only with cosmetic repairs. But in what situation you can not do without overhaul.
If you are planning the overhaul of the apartment in Moscow, then we advise you to follow the next link where you can order major repairs of apartments Moscow inexpensive. You can familiarize yourself with the company’s work performed on the company’s website.
And so major repairs are required in cases where the apartment of the secondary market was purchased in relatively poor condition. At the entrance to such an apartment, for safety it is worth making a major overhaul. Since you cannot know reliably what damage can be under facing materials. . Such repairs include the replacement of pipes, repair of communications, correction of wall defects and a complete flooring of the floor.
As for cosmetic repairs. This is a simpler look and is used only when the apartment requires novelty. To update the premises, you need to carry out this type of work. Replacing facing materials, painting faded details, replacing the decor of the room.