At the installation of six power units, 32 thousand were welded. joints of station technological pipelines and pipelines within boilers and turbines and about 40 thousand. joints of pipe of heating surfaces and high -pressure drainage pipes.
Welding of pipe surfaces of heating and high pressure drainage as a responsible operation was performed by a combined method: the root of the seam – manual argon -arc welding, the rest of the seam – electric shock. Highly qualified welders engaged only at welding of small diameters pipes were produced in pairs for a change of 140-160 joints.
In addition, 200 thousand were welded to the pipes of heating of six boilers. spikes in the form of a kind of mounting belt in the area of the supply of the feed and the lower radiation part. About 100 thousand were welded on the sheathing of the boilers. m seams. 800 tons of electrodes were spent on all welding work. Using high -quality building materials, we get the highest level.
Selective check 50 thousand. welded joints in an ultrasound method and by measurement (more than 30 thousand.) on the hardness of the welds with the Portdi device confirmed the high quality of welding.