Classification of foundations according to various signs: how to choose

Classification of foundations according to various signs: how to choose

There may be several types of foundations. Each type has its own characteristics, which allow you to build a building on a certain land. They are divided into two main types, these are motionless, also called stationary and mobile (floating).

The last type of soil is installed on the enormous soils. They can change the volume during processes of thawing and freezing. Such a foundation design is erected from the conditions of vertical movements. In the same case, you can build small buildings located on subsidiary plug -shaped soils. In this case, the soil should have a greater freezing depth.

The second type of foundation – stationary are divided into two types – column and strip. The first type of foundation is used in the construction of wooden houses, as well as houses with frame and shield walls. Erected when creating summer premises. The second type is used in the construction of heavy buildings in which the walls are made of slag concrete, brick and similar materials.

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There are other types of foundations. These are concrete, bottle, sand, brick, bottle.

Concrete foundations use in their design a gravel or gravel aggregate. This is the most common type of foundation, suitable for all types of buildings.

Buttonic foundations consist of gravel, gravel, used burned clay brick, cobblestone.

Sandy foundations are made, as it is easy to guess, from sand. It is coarse -grained, which allows you to build small buildings with one floor. Such a foundation is laid in layers of up to 20 centimeters, and a layer of crushed stone is applied to the upper part of the foundation.

Brick foundations made of burned clay brick. But he cannot resist the aggressive environment. It is usually erected when there is no way to use a more durable foundation.

Boutor foundations are made of large cobblestones or a slanting stone is used, which contains many other materials, such as granite, basalt and others. Such a foundation is used in the construction of two and one floor buildings on any basis.