When heating houses, an alternative to natural gas today is warm, accumulating from solar energy. Energy sources can also serve as air, water, earth’s surface, bowels of the earth. It is possible to extract thermal energy from natural resources and only then supply Pedrollo to thermal pumps .
Thermal pump – installation allowing to generate heat from potential natural sources of energy. Such a pump includes devices: a pump designed for heating and a pump designed to promote a working coolant in the system. For the proper operation of all systems, the pump is equipped with an automated control system and sensors that regulate temperature indicators.
There are several options for obtaining energy using a thermal pump.
The first is to receive heat from the earth’s subsoil as a free source of thermal energy all year round. This method is considered environmentally friendly, reliable and safe. The second option is to get heat from soil. A plastic hose is laid throughout the site to a meter depth. When laying about 500 meters of steel, you can get up to ten kW of energy.
The third way is water sources. The principle of operation is based on laying the pipeline at the bottom of the reservoir, where the temperature is much higher than the water temperature.