Wall masonry technology: what you need to know

Wall masonry technology: what you need to know

As you know, brick is one of the most popular and popular building materials for the construction of the load -bearing walls of the house or apartment building. A significant part of private houses is built of brick, which has the best indicators among all building materials both in quality, and in strength, and in heat savings. If you are looking for an apartment for a day in Minsk, now in Minsk many companies offer renting apartments for a day in Minsk.

The modern construction industry produces several types of construction brick, among which the ordinary red clay brick and white silicate hollow brick dominate, which has high performance of conducting conductivity. The construction of the walls of the house of brick has its own rules. Depending on the purpose of the building, the walls can have a thickness of 380 mm to 640mm or more if the building is built in extreme climatic conditions.

The technology of laying the walls of the house of brick is made according to the bickens circuit with a shift in a half -brick. If the wall is built in one and a half or two bricks, then the laying scheme of each row has a double dressing, and along the wall and in its width. A simple cement mortar is usually used for laying a brick wall. To improve the quality of the solution, synthetic additives are given, which give a solution of elastic properties and qualities of stability against low temperatures.