Creating a well in winter: features and technology of work

Creating a well in winter: features and technology of work

It is quite difficult to create a well on the site, and this process also takes a lot of time, so most often this work is done by specialists who have experience in this area. Many owners of summer cottages are afraid to create a well in winter, but it is important to note that these are groundless fears, since it is winter that is the perfect time to create a well. At the same time, it is recommended to perform work to deepen it.

The most significant plus is that the service for its creation is much cheaper than in the summer. With the help of a fire, you can easily warm up the place that is planned to create a well.

The level of groundwater in winter falls significantly, and the earth freezes, so various precipitation does not fall into the ground. Therefore, by creating a new well in winter, you can delve far enough into the aquifer, while creating a suitable tributary. It is important to consider that if in winter it provides a normal influx, then in the summer the well will never run out. It is not recommended to build a well in the spring, since you can easily make an error due to the fact that groundwater rises very high and understand to what depth you need to dig, it is almost impossible.